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Children Book Club - Discover the pleasure of reading... The Commercial Press
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Little Tiger Group

Every child should be able to see themselves in the books they read, and it’s equally important that children from all kinds of backgrounds, and with differing experience…” ——Little Tiger Group

Little Tiger Group, focusing on creating a wide range of high-quality books, has marked its thirty years celebration in 2017.

Little Tiger Group aims to help all children from different age groups to develop a passion for books. Their target readers are very extensive and diversified.

Imprints of Little Tiger Group:

• Flagship picture books

• Interactive novelty books for babies
              and young children

• Innovative novelty non-fiction

• Fiction for six year olds to teens

Little Tiger Group always includes with bright and adorable images and characters in the books that arouse children’s interest of reading. Children can be attracted and entertained by the wide variety of formats and styles. That’s why Little Tiger Group can appeal to every reading taste and foster children’s interest in reading.


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